The site, history and team is the best go to website when planning your travel and holiday to Jersey.  We are dedicated to providing useful and helpful guides to get the best from your holiday.  If you’re reading this, then we hope you like our website!

The average person spends more time to researching their holiday than they do on their mortgage

Therefore we feel its important to provide you with all the information and facts you need before you visit Jersey, whilst you are there and on your return.

In this About us guide…

  • A brief intro
  • How this site works
  • How we inspire travel
  • The team
  • Terms and conditions

A brief intro

The site started in 2016, when the team started to write our copy – but we never got around to publishing the website until 2018.  Lets say we wanted to make sure we had the right content and it was useful for our readers.  Our aspiration is to become the “Go To” website prior to organising a trip to Jersey, and we are well on our way to that with around 20,000 readers coming to our website every month.  We welcome your feedback, or tell us what you want to read and we’ll write it!

How this site works

All our articles and guides are written by our team of writers and journalists from extensive research, first hand experience.  When we review a attraction, travel operator, restaurant, experience, booking website we always provide an independent viewpoint – so you’ll always get the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to our guides.

And if we inspire you, then we’d ask for a small gesture in return… we try and make a living from commission generated from other websites.  If you’re about to book a flight then we receive a small commission normally 0.5% if we are lucky, but only if you’ve gone to their website via one of our links.  Where possible we try and let you know it’s an affiliate link with a “*” next to the text.  If you decide to help, then thank-you it helps us keep this website up and running to inspire future holiday makers to Jersey!

The team

We are a group of writers and social experts passionate about Jersey.  Some of us live here on the island, and some of us holiday there, whilst others have yet to visit!  We have put together articles to inspire, travel guides, things we didn’t know and wanted to share with the world.  As writers we have one common purpose and that’s to get more people to fall in love and visit this beautiful island.

We are constantly looking for new articles or guides to inspire more people to travel to Jersey, if you have any ideas on what we could write about then get in touch.

We are always on the lookout for new ideas on working together, whether you are a restaurant, hotel, attraction, tour, place to stay or travel operator then we look forward to hearing from you.

Thank-you for dropping by and make sure you tag us in your Jersey holiday snaps!

How we inspire Travel

Our comprehensive guides about travel related subjects should make planning your trip easier and quicker than other destinations.  Throughout the site, you’ll find we do this in the following ways.

  1. The Jerseyislandholidays Travel tips email

Almost 4,000 people are now subscribed to received our hot travel tips emails.  We try and include latest deals, guides and things to inspire your next trip to Jersey.

  1. Super-detailed Jerseyislandholidays guides

The main website has a huge range of guides, from Planning your flights, booking a hotel, staying at the most unique place on the island, how to travel cheaply to Jersey and your every day travel questions.  All our guides feature extensive product research by the team and travel tips to help you make the most out of your travel.

  1. Nifty downloadable maps

When we first built this website, we realised that there weren’t any decent maps highlighting the best beaches, the top attractions to visit with itineraries to see as much of the island as possible.  So we’ve had some custom maps of Jersey built to help your explore this beautiful island not to miss out on anything!

  1. Our travel related research

The research team work hard to produce consumer surveys to get this site noticed by the media.  We’d be grateful if you can help, sign up to our newsletter and watch out for the latest poll.

Terms and conditions of use

Its really important to let you know, any information on this site is based on journalist research.  It is accurate to the best of our knowledge and always an independent review.  Please read the full terms and conditions.